Take online notes and don't lose information

write note online

Every day we need to save some information. For this we use notepad, diary or just a peace of paper. We write here some information and later I think many of us are faced with the problem to find this notes or this peace of paper. Sometimes happens that information is lost forever. Today to help us save important informations come online notepad service which have many advantages over paper notes. Simple and quickly you can write your online note into online notepad and later you will have access to your note at any time and from everywhere.

So, which online notes service to choose?

First we need to determine the requirements to online notes service:

  1. This must be quickly, simple and clear online notepad;
  2. This online notepad must be full mobile responsive because we want to have access from any devices;
  3. We don't want to register or login. We want quickly just write online note and save it like on a peace of paper;
  4. We want have access from not only one PC. We want to have access and see our notes from any devices;
  5. We want have easy access in future, so we need own friendly URL;
  6. We want to be able to edit or delete our notes in future;
  7. We want to share our notes with other;
  8. We want to see all our notes at once.

What is the Best online notes service?

We spent a lot of time and found many online notepad services, but not all meet our criteria. Many of all not support mobile devices, are hard to load in browsers or are difficult to understand. Many of them require registration or login. But the most important thing that we found is the loss of information on other devices. Ok, many online services we found with bugs, but we also found some good online note services.

We recommend:

Free online sticky notes

 Ok, but why this one?

Free online sticky notes service provide many powerful features and meet all our requirements to online notes service:

  1. Simple, clear design and nothing unnecessary.
  2. Support all mobile devices and all browsers. 
  3. Here you never lose your notes and more - here you can add unlimited count of online notes and here online notes are stored unlimited time. It can be short notes or very large notes.
  4. You can manage, edit and delete your notes and all this is without registration or login. 
  5. Support multi-language notes with programs code. You can create your notes online with scripts and HTML tags inside without losing data. 
  6. All web links become clickable after note saved. 
  7. Support Friendly URLs. You can create your own URL name to your note.
  8. Easy access to all notes at once without sign in.
  9. Share in social networks is available. 

We recommend for us to keep up with the time and forget about paper notes. Today many familiar things you can do on the Internet. Take notes online is very easy and useful for every day. Just write your first note online and fell all the benefits of online services.

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